If you or your loved on has recently made insurance changes, please be sure to notify the building. Making the building aware of these changes can help avoid potential billing issues in the future. To reach out to your building's designated Billing Specialist, please refer to the list below.
Ashbrook Care & Rehabilitation - Jessica Miller | JMiller@windsorhc.com
Buckingham Care & Rehabilitation - Andrea Dawkins | ADawkins@windsorhc.com
Canterbury Care & Rehabilitation - Dana Lubrano | DLubrano@windsorhc.com
Cornell Care & Rehabilitation - Andrea Dawkins | ADawkins@windsorhc.com
Llanfair Care & Rehabilitation - Jessica Miller | JMiller@windsorhc.com
Merwick Care & Rehabilitation - Jessica Miller | JMiller@windsorhc.com
Venetian Care & Rehabilitation - Dana Lubrano | DLubrano@windsorhc.com
You can also reach our Accounts Receivable Department directly by calling
908-686-7430 and choosing option 6.
Thank you for your understanding.